About Me
The Long Version
Hey! It's nice to see that you want to hear a little more about me. You can click here so see the professional stuff, or here to get personal.
Professional Stuff
As you may already know, my name is Mike Kohn and I'm a geek at heart. I love interacting with computers and the internet, and am hoping to someday turn that passion into a career.
I have been waiting tables at a popular restaurant in downtown Boulder, Colorado for about 4 years now. Last May (in 2008) I graduated from the University of Colorado with a B.A. in Astronomy. Waiting tables was the perfect job for me while in school, but it's hard to find the challenge in it anymore. Now that I'm done with college and have taken a year to build up some savings, I'm ready to start a career that constantly pushes me and forces me to better myself.
I've always been computer savvy, so when I decided to kill some time over a cold and boring Thanksgiving break in 2007 by teaching myself how websites work, I quickly picked up HTML and haven't stopped since. I started out by making simple static HTML webpages for myself. From there, I moved on to fiddling with blogger templates and gained some very valuable knowledge in the process. By doing so, I got to see how professional web designers structured their code, and then was able to interact with it and tweak it until I made it mine.
Since then, I have been keeping busy by making larger and more dynamic websites (all just for the fun of it). Through a series of crash-courses and trial-and-error, I have taught myself about the intricacies of web hosting (I tried to host my first site by turning my laptop — of all things — into a server), web design and standards, Wordpress, graphic design, and social networking. Currently, I am teaching myself PHP and Javascript and am becoming more comfortable with them every day.
I think that to say that I'm solely interested in web development is much too limiting. I have yet to experience and explore all aspects of computer science, IT, QA, etc., so it's impossible for me to say yet exactly where I would like to end up. At this point, I would just like to get an entry-level position in any of the above fields and see where it leads me. I am a problem solver by nature and also thrive in creative environments, so at least I know I'll enjoy whatever comes my way.
Personal Stuff
I love doggies. My doggies in particular.

I also love (in no particular order):
- taking pictures.
- riding my bike, Sven.
- Boulder.
- Ally.
- disk golf.
- Rubik's cubing (PR on the 3x3 is ~1:44).
- Sydney, Australia.
- the Great Internets.
- Neutral Milk Hotel.